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Vedete nascute pe 22 Iulie
Celebritati nascute in Appleton Wisconsin SUA
Actori in zodia Rac

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Willem Dafoe

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Willem Dafoe Pe scurt despre Willem Dafoe:

Data nasterii: 07/22/1955
Locatia: California, SUA, Zodia: Rac

  1. John Carter of Mars (2012) (in productie) - Tars Tarkas
  2. A Woman (2010) (in productie) - Max
  3. The Wild Bunch (2010) (in productie) - Field Marshall (voce)
  4. Miral (2010) (in productie) - Eddie
  5. The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009) - Paul Smecker
  6. Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant - Circul ororilor: Asistentul vampirului (2009) - Gavner Purl
  7. Antichrist - Anticristul (2009) - He
  8. L'affaire Farewell (2009) - Feeney
  9. L'affaire Farewell (2009) - Feeney
  10. My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done (2009) - Detective Hank Havenhurst
  11. Fantastic Mr. Fox (20 09) - Rat
  12. Fireflies in the Garden - Licurici in gradina (2008) - Charles Waechter
  13. Adam Resurrected - Viata pentru viata (2008) - Commandant Klein
  14. The Dust of Time (2007) - A
  15. The Walker - Escorta (2007) - Larry Lockner
  16. Anamorph (2007) - Stan Aubray
  17. Mr. Bean's Holiday - Vacanta domnului Bean (2007) - Carson Clay
  18. Go Go Tales (2007) - Ray Ruby
  19. Spider-Man 3 - Omul-Paianjen 3 (2007) - Green Goblin
  20. The Procedure (2007) - Christopher
  21. Paris, je t'aime - Paris, je t'aime - Orasul iubirii (2006) - The Cowboy (segment "Place des Victoires")
  22. American Dreamz - Vise americane (2006) - Chief of Staff
  23. Inside Man - Omul din interior (2006) - Captain John Darius
  24. Gedo senki (2006) - Cob
  25. Before It Had a Name - Vaduva Neagra (2005) - Leslie
  26. Ripley Under Ground - Viata secreta a d-lui Ripley (2005) - Neil Murchison
  27. xXx: State of the Union (2005) - General George Deckert
  28. Ceremonia de apertura (2005) -
  29. Manderlay (2005) - Grace's Father

Willem Dafoe News
Aishwarya Rai si Willem Dafoe merg la Festivalului Internaţional de Film de la Pusan (October 21, 2010)

Willem Dafoe Liste
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Na?teri în 1955
Actori americani


Willem Dafoe Videoclipuri
Willem Dafoe


Tag-uri: actor, producator, scenarist

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Categorie: Actori  - ( Actori - Archiva)

Data Adaugarii: 13 September '10

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