Actorul, regizorul si scenaristul australian John Clayton s-a născut in 1940, in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
A debutat la televiziune in 1967, cu rolul principal din serialul Canadian Barney Boomer, regizat de Flemming Nielsen. In 1968 juca acelaÅŸi rol in serialul Upside Town / Swingaround, regizat de Flemming Nielsen si Roland Herb.
La televiziunea australiana a jucat in serialele Ryan (1973), Marion (1974), Games for Parents & Other Children (1975), Division 4 (1969-1976), Shannon's Mob (1975), Me & Mr Thorne (1976), Rush (1974-1976), coproducţie Australia- Franţa- Marea Britanie, Bluey (1976, The Young Doctors (1976), Chopper Squad (1978-1979), Doctor Down Under (1979), Who Killed Baby Azaria? (1983), The Dismissal (1983), Bodyline (1984), Man of Letters (19
84), The Last Bastion (1984), Winners (1985), The Challenge (1986), Return to Eden (1986),
Alice to Nowhere (1986), The Flying Doctors (1987), A Country Practice (1982-1987), Home and Away (1988), E Street (1989), Strangers (1991), GP (1991), The Last Man Hanged (1992), Joh's Jury (1993), Echo Point (1995), Police Rescue (1991-1996)- coproducţie Australia-Marea Britanie, Heartbreak High (1994-1997), Water Rats (1997), Big Sky (1997), Wildside (1998), All Saints (1999-2001), The Day of the Roses (2001), Grass Roots (2000-2003).
A jucat in lung metraje ca Racers Sidecar (1975), The Irishman (1978), Newsfront (1978), Dawn! (1979), Palm Beach (1980), ...Maybe This Time (1981), With Prejudice (1982), Far East (1982), Midnite Spares (1983), Goodbye Paradise (1983), Unfinished Business (1985), High Tide (1987), Boundaries of the Heart (1988), The Everlasting Secret Family (1988), Breaking Loose (1988), Vicious (1989), Cappuccino (1989), Out of the Body (1989), Police Rescue (1994), Subterano (2003)- coproductie Australia Germania.
John Clayton a regizat filmele Duncan's World (1978), Summerdog (1977), Redneck Miller (1977), a scris scenariul filmului Duncan's World (1978), a fost producator al filmelor Cappuccino (1989), Summerdog (1977). A murit la 25 septembrie 2003, in Sydney, Australia.
Pe scurt despre John Clayton:
Nume: John Clayton
Ocupatia: actor, regizor, scenarist, producator
Data nasterii: 1940
Locul nasterii: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Naţionalitate: australiana
Culoarea parului: saten
Culoarea ochilor: caprui
De ce este faimos Sergio Pazos?
A fost un apreciat actor australian a jucat in Vicious, Cappuccino, Out of the Body, a regizat filmele Duncan's World (1978), Summerdog (1977), Redneck Miller (1977), a scris scenariul filmului Duncan's World (1978), a fost producător al filmelor Cappuccino (1989), Summerdog (1977).
De ce ne place Sergio Pazos?
A jucat in rolul lui Harry Bond din serialul comic Grass Roots (2000-2003).