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Jim Broadbent

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Data nasterii: 05/24/1949
Locatia: Bogotá, Columbia
Zodia: Gemeni

  1. Another Year (2010) - Tom
  2. The Damned United (2009) - Sam Longson
  3. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Harry Potter 6 : Harry Potter si Printul Semipur (2009) - Horace Slughorn
  4. The Young Victoria (2009) - King William
  5. Perrier's Bounty (2009) - Jim McCrea
  6. Inkheart - Inima de cerneala (2008) - Fenoglio
  7. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Indiana Jones - Regatul craniului de cristal (2008) - Dean Charles Stanforth
  8. Tales of the Riverbank - Povesti de pe malul raului (2008) - G.P. (voce)
  9. And When Did You Last See Your Father? (2007) - Arthur
  10. Longford (2006) - Lord Longford
  11. Art School Confidential - Scoala Secreta de Arte Martiale (2006) - Jimmy
  12. The Street (Serial TV) (2006) - Stan McDermott
  13. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - Cronicile din Narnia: Leul, Vrajitoarea si Dulapul (2005) - Professor Kirke
  14. Valiant (2005) - Sergeant (voce)
  15. Robots - Roboti (2005) - Madame Gasket
  16. The Wonderful World of Roald Dahl (2005) - Narrator
  17. The Magic Roundabout (2005) - Brian
  18. Spider-Plant Man (2005) - Batman
  19. Marató 2005, La (2005) - John Bailey
  20. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004) - Dad
  21. Vera Drake (2004) - Judge
  22. Vanity Fair - Balciul desertaciunilor (2004) - Mr. Osborne
  23. Pride - Regele junglei (2004) - Eddie
  24. Around the World in 80 Days - Ocolul Pamantului in 80 de zile (2004) - Lord Kelvin
  25. Tooth - Zana Maseluta (2004) - Voice of Rabbit
  26. Bright Young Things (2003) - Drunk Major
  27. And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself - Pancho Villa (2003) - Harry Aitken
  28. Anna Spud (2003) - Dad
  29. The Young Visiters (2003) - Alfred Salteena
  30. Nicholas Nickleby (2002) - Mr. Wackford Squeers

Jim Broadbent Liste
Despre Actori americani
Na?teri în 1949
Actori americani


Jim Broadbent Videoclipuri
Indiana Jones 4 - Jim Broadbent interview


Tag-uri: actor, scenarist

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Categorie: Actori  - ( Actori - Archiva)

Data Adaugarii: 13 September '10

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