Actorul britanic Dudley Sutton s-a născut la 06 aprilie 1933, in Surrey, Anglia.
A fost pilot in Royal Air Force (RAF) din Marea Britanie, apoi a studiat actoria la Academia Regală de Artă Dramatică din Londra. A jucat in spectacole de teatru ca Entertaining Mr Sloane, de Joe Orton.
La televiziunea britanică a debutat in 1960, cu serialul Skyport, apoi a jucat in ITV Television Playhouse (1960), Kipps (1960), Coronation Street (1961), Saint (1964), The Human Jungle (1964), Dixon of Dock Green (1966), The Baron (1967), No Hiding Place (1967), Softly Softly (1967), Detective (1968), Mystery and Imagination (1968), Department S (1969), My Partner the Ghost (1970), Doctor in the House 1970, Conceptions of Murder (1970), Thirty-Minute Theatre (1972), Diamonds on Wheels (1
974), Z Cars (1963-1974), Cilla's Comedy Six (1975), The Sweeney (1975), Shades of Greene (1976), Thriller (1976), Porridge (1976), Juno and the Paycock (1980), Tales of the Unexpected (1980), Shine on Harvey Moon (1980), Smiley's People (1982), The Comic Strip Presents... (1984), Bergerac (1984), The Beiderbecke Affair (1985), Noble House (1988), Tales from the Poop Deck (1992), Lovejoy (1986-1994), Emmerdale Farm (1997), Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) (2000), Fun at the Funeral Parlour (2001), Paradise Heights (2002), Keen Eddie (2003), EastEnders (2004), The Bill (2006), Wallander (2010), Holby City (2006-2011), etc.
Pe marele ecran a debutat in 1962, cu filmul Go to Blazes, apoi a jucat in Boys (1962), The Leather Boys (1964), Rotten to the Core (1965), One More Time (1970), Cry of the Penguins (1971), The Devils (1971), One Hour to Zero (1976), Fellini's Casanova (1976), The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976), Crossed Swords (1977), The London Connection (1979), The Island (1980), Lamb (1985), The Rainbow (1989), Edward II (1991), Orlando (1992), Incognito (1997), This Filthy Earth (2001), Tomorrow La Scala! (2002), Song for a Raggy Boy (2003), The Football Factory (2004), Irish Jam (2006), Dean Spanley (2008), Sezon tumanov (2009), The Shouting Men (2010), Katherine of Alexandria (2011), Back2Hell (2011), Weighed In: The Story of the Mumper (2011), etc.
S-a căsătorit in 1961 cu actriţa Marjorie Steele si au divorţat in 1965, au împreună un fiu.
Pe scurt despre Dudley Sutton:
Nume: Dudley Sutton
Ocupatia: actor
Data nasterii: 06 aprilie 1933
Zodia: Berbec
Locul nasterii: Surrey, Anglia, Marea Britanie
Naţionalitate: britanica
Culoarea parului: alb
Culoarea ochilor: caprui
Inaltime: 1, 79 m
Starea civila: divorţat
Fosta sotie: Marjorie Steele- actriţa
Copii: 1
De ce este faimos Dudley Sutton?
Este un cunoscut actor de cinema si televiziune, s-a remarcat in filme ca Devils (1971), Lovejoy (1986), Song for a Raggy Boy (2003), The Football Factory (2004).
De ce ne place Dudley Sutton?
A jucat rolul unui motociclist gay in filmul The Leather Boys (1964).